Let’s Talk About It.


The Power of Love…in a fallen world

In Dr. Harris' new book, “The Power of Love In A Fallen World,” she addresses the roles of leadership from being inspiring and motivating while delegating and empowering; whether on a professional level or head of a household, a teacher, pastor, or the child at the playground that takes charge, everyone operates in some form of leadership. 

The world holds the church and its leaders and anyone bold enough to proclaim to be a Christian to a higher level of excellence. It is understandable why an expectation of such a measure is conceivable.  The church of God has the mandate to lead by Holy example. The summons of the Great Commission is to preach the gospel to all creation. While the Greatest Commandment is to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, and mind. And the second command is like, unto it, thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.


The church is the hope for a sin-sick dying world. Leading with love is a requirement of effective leadership. Imagine the impact the church and the secular world could have if everyone held each other accountable to a level of integrity, dignity, self-awareness, purpose, and empathy. If love becomes the underlying component, it will eradicate injustice, greed, unfair practices, and the horror that daily creeps in, winning this fallen world.

In a world full of chaos, hatred, and indifference, how can we overcome the struggles without love? A love from a God that many have cast aside and the compassion for our fellow man. We must constantly check our heart barometer as we navigate the ambiguity of this fallen world. In the famous words of Dione Warwick, "what the world needs now is love sweet love, it's the only thing that it's just too little of." A love demonstrated to humanity through the ultimate sacrifice of the Son of God. The answer to the desperate cry to heal our land can only come with love and forgiveness in the House of God, our dysfunctional homes, indifferent workplace, and divided communities. Read the engaging words from Dr. Harris that speaks to the world we live in today to every aspect of leadership while addressing the importance of the gift of love.

Finding out what the heart really needs.